New York’s No. 1 Destination for Consciousness Raising.

Past Events: November 2012

META Center has become home to renowned speakers, lecturers and practitioners in the consciousness raising and metaphysical community from around the globe. It is the ‘#1’ destination in New York City for cutting edge spiritual events, workshops, lectures and programs. META Center is a safe and supportive environment that vibrationally catalyzes spiritual awakenings, multi-level healing, truth and a full sense of peace.

November Events at META Center New York

November Events at a Glance

11/1: Spiritual Film Festival Movie: Finding Joe (RESCHEDULED FOR JAN 29ST)
11/1: Warning: Guilt May Be Hazardous to Your Health – Marcia Blau (EVENT POSTPONED – TO BE RESCHEDULED)
11/2: Spiritual Film Festival – Movies: Art of Being Human, Crazy Wisdom & The Road to Peace (RESCHEDULED FOR FEB 1ST)
11/3: Spiritual Film Festival Movies: May I Be Frank, Kumare, Decoding Depak (RESCHEDULED FOR FEB 2ND)
11/5: Balance Your Health – Learn What Doctors Have Stopped Telling Their Patients – Dr. Douglas Howard
11/5: Conferencia y Presentacion Del Libro 100 Maneras De Decir NO Para Obtener Un SI Personal – Pascual Tobon
11/7: An Introduction To Vedic Meditation – New York Meditation Center ~FREE EVENT~
11/7: More Truth Will Set You Free Workshop – Teri Merliss & Sondra Shaye
11/8: Count Down To Consciousness Mastery Program – Jodi Serota & Her Guides ~PRIVATE EVENT~
11/8: Out-of-Body, Out of the Box: On the Edge of Personal Evolution – Luis Minero
11/9: Paul Selig Channels the Ascension Energies of the Word
11/9: Waking Down in Mutuality Sitting – Sandra Glickman
11/10 & 11/11: Reiki I and II – Kathie Lipinski
11/12: Self-Healing with One Light Healing Touch – AnnE O’Neil
11/13: Metatron, Merkaba, Master Teachers: Sacred Teachings & Energetic Activations – Suzy Meszoly
11/14: Breath Work & Meditation Workshop – Dr. Richard Brown ~PRIVATE EVENT~
11/14: Ascension Alignment – ‘A Gathering of LIGHT-Minded Souls’ – Anthony Citro ~FREE EVENT~
11/14: Autumn Meditation Evening : Creative Journeys Within – Anita Celeste
11/15: Preparing Your Children For Winter – Dr Palevsky
11/15: “Men’s Room” – Thomas John ~FREE EVENT~
11/16: Awakening Heart: Dances of Universal Peace & Sufi Practice
11/16: Angelic Circle of Peace – Rev. Barbara
11/16: The Sacred Vibration of Kirtan – Devotional Singing & Sacred Dance – Dr. Grace Telesco
11/17: The Return of MAX – The Ancient Crystal Skull Channeled Powerful Mystical Sacred Ceremony – Joann Parks & Jodi Serota
11/19: The Power of Email Marketing, Social Media and Video Marketing – Nani Nakagawa ~FREE EVENT~
11/19: Learn the Art of Turkish Coffee Reading – Saba
11/19: SQ Wellness Satsang – Michelle Fitch
11/20: Sound & Light Activation, Integration & Ascension: Divine Light Activation with Tibetan Bowls, Metatron & the Master Teachers – Suzy Meszoly
11/20: A Night with Hanuman – Rebecca Suzanne Scott
11/21: Atlantean Metaphysics – Skydin Zeal
11/24: Expanding Consciousness with the Master Teachers, Energetic Activations for the New Earth – Suzy Mezsoly (RESCHEDULED From 11/4)
11/26: Evening of Enchantment – Angela Aim
11/27: Personal Power Series 1 – Stepping Into Your Personal Power – Lisa Danels
11/27: Divinely Latina Introductory Session – Cynthia Santiago
11/28: Awakening the Kundalini – Abdy Electricetah
11/28: How to Have More Fun & Less Drama With Your Dating, Sex & Relationships – Linda Wasil & Adam Johnson
11/29: God, Science & The Evolution of Consciousness Panel & Networking – Richard Grossinger, Kurt Johnson, Howard Bloom & Moderator Alan Steinfeld
11/29: The Shamans Journey for Personal and Global Healing – Rev Anthony Farmer
11/30: Quantum Healing Cellular Reprogramming By the Divine Diamond®
with Aniruddhan & Natercia ~FREE EVENT~
11/30: Group Healing using the Divine Diamond®,Vortexhealing® & E-Lybra®9 Bio-Resonance Body Alignment & Strenghtening System – Aniruddhan & Natercia
11/30: Galactic Alignment 2012 & Beyond: 2012, The Age of Aquarius & The Cosmic Mechanisms of Time – Tricia McCannon

New Realities & META Center NY present:
3rd Annual Spiritual Film Festival
Theme: Spiritual Biography

Thurs, Fri & Sat – Nov 1st, 2nd & 3rd


Curated by Alan Steinfeld

Alan Steinfeld of and Jodi Serota, owner of META Center NY, the creators 
and presenters of our 3rd Annual Spiritual Film Festival, would like you to join us as part of our creative, conscious community, attending and celebrating with us, this year’s wonderful event.

We feel that it’s important to present the current trends in spirituality to an emerging conscious seeking population. Film, being one of our most sophisticated and appraised mediums of communication, delivers messages that affect the body, mind and soul.

It is with great pleasure that we present in our festival, specifically selected films to assist the public in the transformation of our local community and the collective awakening of the planet.

Alan Steinfeld & Jodi Serota


$20 for Each Full Evening Program (Thurs 1 Movie + Music / Friday 1 Short + 2 Movies)
$25 for Saturday (3 Movies)
$55 for Full Festival Admission

2012 Movie Festival

Presented by:

Sponsored by



7:00pm – 10:00pm
Finding Joe – Based on the Teachings of Joseph Campbell
(Doc. 80 minutes)

In association with Sierrah Blackwell

Finding Joe takes you on an inspirational quest of self-discovery. As you slay dragons and uncover treasures, you just may find the holy grail you seek is closer than you think.

The film explores the legacy of Joseph Campbell’s “hero’s journey,” how it is relevant and essential in today’s world, and how it provides a narrative for how to live a fully realized life or, as Campbell would simply state, how to “follow your bliss.”

* Introduction by Sierrah Blackwell
* Musical performance by Phil Robinson of The Bliss Jockeys
* Q&A following Finding Joe with Producer/Director, Patrick Takaya Solomon
* Musical performance with Stuart Davis (sponsored by Integral New York)



6:30pm – 7:00pm
The Art of Being Human: A Portrait of Frederick Franck
(Doc. 28 minutes)

Inspirational portrait of the artist Frederick Franck, author of “The Zen of Seeing”. His life’s work – through painting, sculpture, and books – has been to help people see the humanity in others. His art is geared toward the idea that we cannot tolerate or be involved in violence towards others. “His words and drawings make us see the world as a place where, with more understanding and tolerance, we could all live together in harmony.” Rhena Schweitzer Miller, daughter of Albert Schweitzer.

Questions and Answers after screening by writer/director Emily Squires.

7:15pm – 8:45pm
Crazy Wisdom – The Life & Times of Chogyam Trungpa, Rinpoche
(Doc. 87 min.)

Crazy Wisdom explores the life of Chogyam Trungpa. Not the typical monk, this brilliant “bad boy of Buddhism,” was pivotal in bringing Tibetan Buddhism to the West. But Trungpa shattered our ideas about how an enlightened teacher should behave.

Recognized as an exceptional reincarnate lama and trained in the rigorous monastic tradition he escaped Tibet, under Chinese rule. Living in Britain he soaked up Western culture like a sponge, completely immersing himself in it. He said that living as a westerner would help him to better connect the two cultures. In the U.S. he smoked, drank to excess, took lovers, married a 16-year-old follower and had intimate relations with students. But was he showing us something? Was this crazy wisdom?

9:00pm: Kindness Boomerang – “One Day”
(Doc. 5 min.)

Masterfully shot all in one take, Kindness Boomerang shows a chain reaction of random kindness, as strangers are helped—and then help others—through a bustling cityscape. By Orly Wahba.

9:05pm – 10:10pm
The Road to Peace: Ancient Wisdom of the 14th Dali Lama (Doc. 64 min.)

Road to Peace follows the Dalai Lama as he travels around Great Britain, sharing his spiritual and humanitarian message with the West. By Director and Producer, Leon Stuparich.



4:00pm – 5:40pm
May I Be Frank (Doc. 97 minutes)

May I Be Frank documents the transformation of Frank Ferrante’s life, who unknowingly stumbles into a local raw, organic and vegan café in San Francisco, Café Gratitude. Then for the next 42 days, Frank turns his life over to three twenty-something young men committed to his healing and prepared to coach him physically, emotionally and spiritually. Frank will eat only raw food, practice gratitude, visit local holistic practitioners, and get a weekly colonic.

Ryland, Conor, and Cary get to support and witness Frank’s miraculous transformation. Frank gets a new body, a clearer mind, and most importantly, a soaring spirit.

6:00pm – 7:30pm
Kumaré – A True Story About a False Guru
(Doc. 84 min.)

This documentary follows so called enlightened Guru Kumaré from the East. As he builds a faithful following of loyal disciples in Arizona he reveals his greatest teaching: His true identity as American filmmaker named Vikram Gandhi.

Vikram transformed himself into Kumaré as a social experiment designed to explore and test one of the world’s most sacred taboos: spiritual faith.

Vikram Gandhi will be present after the movie to answer questions.

8:45pm – 10:15pm Decoding Depak
(Doc. 83 minutes)

The whole world knows the public side of Deepak Chopra, but Decoding Depak is a look at the private Deepak.

Journalist and filmmaker Gotham Chopra spends a year traveling the world decoding his father Deepak Chopra, resolving the spiritual icon he is to the world vs. the real man known to his family. What starts as an intimate biopic becomes a deeper plunge into the meaning of identity itself.

Decoding Deepak is an up close portrait of a father and son looking for relationship, love and intimacy.

Thursday, November 1st


Warning: Guilt May Be Hazardous to Your Health
Marcia Blau
7:00pm – 9:00pm

Whether it was shmeared on a Sunday bagel or served neatly on a communion wafer, most of us have had an ample taste of guilt. This class will teach you how to let go of those nagging, often torturous feelings. You will learn to identify Jewish guilt, Catholic shame and even the Buddhist form of negative, paralyzing emotions. You will see how to distinguish what you want for yourself and what someone else wants for you. And ultimately you will learn how to choose your heart’s desire, clear and free of your mother, grandmother, mate, employer or anyone else in your psyche!

Marcia Blau, L.C.S.W. is a holistic psychotherapist who practices in NYC. She is also the survivor of two Jewish grandmothers.

Fee: $35 Limited seating. Register by email at or call (212) 666 2715.

Sunday, November 4th
Expanding Consciousness with the Master Teachers, Energetic Activations for the New Earth!
Suzy Mezsoly
10:00am – 4:00pm

Brain Surgery with the Master Teachers! Our brains are expanding literally in this workshop! The Master Teachers will be melting the barriers, the concepts and restrictions that have kept us under-utilizing that great transmitter/ receiver, biological computer that sits on top of our necks! Our brains are the way we experience, create and remain present in this reality. With profound activations and revealing teachings, the Master Teachers will support our ascension into the fully expanded versions of ourselves.

$125 Pre-registration is required. $150 at the door. Please contact Suzy on 845.616-0860 or email or purchase your ticket using paypal on the website:

Monday, November 5th
Balance Your Health – Learn what doctors have stopped telling their patients
Dr. Douglas Howard
7:00pm – 9:30pm

Dr. Howard is a world-renowned lecturer and educator. Studying medicine, chiropractic, nutrition, natural healing, and theology around the world have led Dr. Howard to a uniquely simple understanding of the human body and our interaction with the natural world. Through his contributions and research in the field of phytonutrition, Dr. Howard has initiated new ways of fighting against disease and has made a positive impact on thousands of lives in the process.

You can expect to leave this lecture with the following questions answered: * Are you on Hormone therapy and don’t even know it? * What have doctors stopped telling their patients? * Are dietary supplements and multi vitamins really fighting against disease?

Time will also be given at the end of the lecture for Doctor Howard to answer specific questions on health.

Tickets $20 for first time attendees. Contact Tom for more information and to RSVP: (800) 246-8751 or

Monday, November 5th
Conferencia y Presentacion Del Libro 100 Maneras De Decir NO Para Obtener Un SI Personal
Pascual Tobon
7:00pm – 9:00pm

Este libro ofrece la oportunidad de aquietar la mente analitica, de modo que sea posible asimilar loque los sentidos perciben.
Los invito a un viaje apasionante en experiencia de vida, confianza, seguridad y fe, donde la energia de su personalidad, unica e irrepetible, logre despertar el amor. Por esta razon coloco a su disposicion estas 100 maneras de decir NO, para aprender a tomar desiciones firmes que nos saquen del estancamiento y nos guien hacia la libertad.

Pascual Tobon, terapeuta, guia espiritual, escritor, pintor, vidente, parasicologo y consejero espiritual con mas de 20 años de experiencia. Sirviendo de complemento para la medicina y la psicologia en todo lo relacionado con la energia del alma humana. Se especializa en la tecnica Comunicacion Alma – Alma.

Tickets $37, incluye el libro. Informacion, Alicia Correjidor cell. 917-651-9789 e-mail Pascual Tobon cell. 347-841-5748, website

Wednesday, November 7th ~FREE EVENT~
An Introduction To Vedic Meditation
New York Meditation Center
7:00pm – 8:15pm

Vedic Meditation is an easy, natural technique that delivers benefits immediately. The deep rest gained from meditation creates the conditions whereby the nervous system is able to spontaneously purify and re-balance.

Scientific studies show that Vedic Meditation allows you to: * reduce stress and anxiety * enjoy better sleep and more energy * increase awareness & clarity of mind * improve physical well-being * slow the aging process.

In this one-hour talk you will learn about the benefits of the technique, the mechanics of how it works and how it is taught. There will be an opportunity to join the basic meditation course the following weekend.

Free Event. Please RSVP online:

Wednesday, November 7th ~EVENT POSTPONED~
More Truth Will Set You Free Workshop
Facilitated by Teri Merliss & Sondra Shaye
7:00pm – 9:30pm

A spiritual class that helps everyday people empower themselves, heal deep hurts, and awaken to a higher part of themselves. Through powerful healing energy, guided meditations, inspiring music, spiritual support and a community of friends, healing is achieved. During these classes, you are shown how to access your untapped potential, change things for the better, and see yourself in a greater light. You learn how old programs and beliefs keep you trapped and how to change these beliefs and programs with effective healing techniques. You won’t be surprised at what you learn in these workshops, you will be transformed. For more information, please visit us at:

The exchange is $30, with all payments to be made at the door. First time attendees welcome for free! To register, please contact

Thursday, November 8th ~PRIVATE EVENT~
Count Down To Consciousness Mastery Program
– A New Program for Ascending into 2012
With Jodi Serota & Her Master Guides
7:00pm – 9:45pm

A channeled 12 month intensive multi-dimensional Mastery Program for those serious about living authentically on Earth with internal and external peace & knowing & manifesting your purpose through your full creation expressed.

For more information, call 212 736 0999 Ext.1 or email Only those enrolled in the program are permitted to attend.

Thursday, November 8th
Out-of-Body, Out of the Box:
On the Edge of Personal Evolution
Luis Minero
7:00pm – 9:30pm

Author Luis Minero will present leading-edge information on the Out-of-Body Experience (OBE, astral projection, astral travel) from his recently published book Demystifying the Out-of-Body Experience: A Practical Manual for Exploration and Personal Evolution.

Through OBEs we can interact with spirit guides, understand the mechanisms of non-physical dimensions, our subtle non-physical bodies, and reincarnation. Obtaining direct personal knowledge of what happens after we die can lead us to gain new perceptions of ourselves and our lives, and overcome the fear of death.

Offering a profoundly new integrated view on a phenomenon known since antiquity, this seminar takes a scientific approach based on decades of extensive academic and experiential research, encouraging you to replace belief with knowledge.
Please visit our website at:

Fee: $15 ~ To register, please call: 212 867-0807.

Friday, November 9th
Paul Selig Channels the Ascension Energies of the Word
Paul Selig
7:00pm – 9:00pm

This evening Paul will bring through and attune people to the frequency of the Word, which Paul’s guides describe as “God in Action.” This is the elevated Christed energies now coming to the Earth, that have not been available to us before. The purpose is to develop and sustain higher levels of consciousness to move through the emotional and physical blocks that may be keeping you from manifesting your own divine nature. Paul’s work is deeply transformative, the energy he works with is extremely palpable.

Everyone will receive the attunement, where participants are supported in moving to the next level of personal and planetary evolution. “You are the first in a generation of conscious beings coming into form and you will make it possible for those that follow to exist more easily in the higher frequencies that are now available. This is a gift, but this is a massive change. It’s a tidal wave of light ascending into you as you ascend into it.” – from I Am the Word, a Channeled Text, by Paul Selig.

For more info go to: Cost: $30. Contact: Alan Steinfeld / 917 553 5294.

Friday, November 9th
Waking Down in Mutuality Sitting
Sandra Glickman, Senior Teacher
7:00pm – 9:30pm

Waking Down in Mutuality, founded by Saniel Bonder, is a unique path that can catalyze you to direct embodied awakening within your everyday life and in the context of transformative relationship. In this Waking Down in Mutuality sitting, we each explore the paradoxical seamlessness of formless, Divine Being and mundane, often messy, human form. We offer each other compassionate listening and practice acceptance with whatever is happening in the moment, without pressure to “fix” or redirect it. Transformation happens readily and organically through the wisdom of Being, in each person’s right timing.

The sitting, led by Senior Teacher Sandra Glickman of Fairfield, Iowa, will include silent meditation, gazing meditation, a brief talk and intro for any newcomers, and conscious questioning and sharing in a setting that facilitates embodied trust. Newcomers are welcome.

Sandra Glickman awakened with Saniel Bonder in1996 and began teaching shortly thereafter. Prior to this she studied many spiritual and healing modalities, was a student of Adi Da Samraj for ten years, and attended The Institute of Transpersonal Psychology in California. Since 1987, she has maintained a private practice s a licensed psychotherapist, artfully weaving together her teaching and awakening work, spiritual guidance, and psychological counseling. Sandra brings vast experience and deep wisdom to the Waking Down teachings, while fully embodying grace and compassion. To sample some of Sandra’s wisdom, listen to the audio clip of her talk entitled, “Subtle Dimensions of Self”.

Cost: $20 at the door. RSVP on the NYC Waking Down in Mutuality Meetup or by emailing To learn more: 609-731-9130.

Saturday, Nov 10th & Sunday, Nov 11th
Reiki I and II
Kathie Lipinski RN, CH, RMT, Licensed Teacher ICRT
9:30am – 6:30pm

Enjoy this beginning workshop for learning techniques for tapping into Universal Life Force Energy. Class includes Level I and II attunements, the history of Reiki, the Reiki symbols, practice time giving and receiving Reiki; Japanese Reiki Techniques and so much more.

You will receive a certificate from the International Center for Reiki Training (

Contact hours for nurses and massage therapists.

Cost: $350. Early registration discount of $25 if registered before October 8th. For more information or to register for this event please contact Kathie at 631-360-6722 or Visit her web site at or on Facebook at Reiki Healing from the Heart NY.

Monday, November 12th
Self-Healing with One Light Healing Touch
AnnE O Neil
6:30pm – 8:00pm

In this introductory class, you will:

Experience a profound grounding exercise, allowing you to be more present • Learn more about how life-force energy works • Begin to tap into your own innate healing ability …and more.

Fee: $20. For more information, visit To register, call 917-748-8463 or e-mail

Tuesday, November 13th
Metatron, Merkaba, Master Teachers:
Sacred Teachings & Energetic Activations
Suzy Meszoly
7:00pm – 9:00pm

In this session the Master Teachers will be activating the participant’s energetic fields, working with the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. This process is cumulative and we invite you to join us each time, to assist your system in raising its frequency to your highest potential. We will be activating the Divine Heart and the Pineal Gland, and allowing for us to become more stable beacons of Light for this very crucial period of gestation June 5-Dec 12, 2012.

During the next few months the Master Teachers will be working with us to activate various energetic centers in our Light Body so that they are integrated and whole for the birth of our new global/cosmic consciousness. Suzy will also be doing a Merkaba activation during all session for all participants to step into their Light Ascension Vehicle.

$25 Pre-registration is required. $35 at the door. Please contact Suzy on 845.616-0860 or email or purchase your ticket using paypal on the website:

Wednesday, November 14th ~Private Event~
Breath Work & Meditation Workshop with Dr. Richard Brown
7:00pm – 8:00pm

For more information, go to Serving Those Who Serve at

Wednesday, November 14th ~FREE EVENT~
Ascension Alignment – ‘A Gathering of LIGHT-Minded Souls’
facilitated by Anthony Citro
7:00pm – 10:00pm

Please join us for a complementary evening of spiritual community where all present will join in facilitating the anchoring of Divine Light to those areas affected by ‘Super Storm Sandy’.

This will be a full on workshop experience replete with music, guided visualization as well as discourse on the manifestation of ‘Sandy’ (and other current events) from the perspective of Source, and how the Divine Plan seems to be unfolding. You may attend in person, or participate via long distance from your home.

We will invoke the Mahatma Energy, the Violet Flame, the Divine Rays, the Prema Agni, and all of the ‘Energies of Creation’ to overlight the North East US, and all those animals and humans currently displaced and embattled.

There is no exchange required for this event, but please let me know if you are attending in person or remotely. This night will serve as an opportunity for service to the LIGHT of highest order. I hope that you will join me.

Together we can navigate the shift to the Golden Age, right here and now, in real time, and in the present!

Register: / 212.726 – 2761. This is a free event! Please register with the amount of people attending.

Wednesday, November 14th
Autumn Meditation Evening : Creative Journeys Within
Anita Celeste
7:00pm – 8:30pm

As we move into Autumn, it is a good time to reconnect to ourselves, release what’s no longer serving us and set our intentions for the upcoming year. Anita will be offering two wonderful meditation evenings for recharging or realigning on a deeper level. Meditating with a group offers a powerful and supportive way to do that plus it reminds us that we are journeying here together and not alone. This will be a creative guided meditation focusing on our heart dreaming while connecting to Mother Earth and Source. Open to everyone at all levels. Feel free to bring notepads or sketchbooks.

Anita Celeste is a Creative Director, Meditation Teacher and Energy Therapist in NYC. She teaches design at School of Visual Arts and has been involved in connecting the significance and benefits of meditation with creativity for many years. In addition she is a Reiki Master, Integrated Energy Healer (IET®), and Level One in Advanced Alchemy. View her website at

$25 per meditation. Pre-registration is required. Please contact Anita Celeste at (917) 664-3693 or

Thursday, November 15th
Preparing Your Children For Winter
Dr Palevsky
6.30pm – 9.30pm

Believe it or not, the season of winter begins in the first week of November (in the Northern Hemisphere), even if we are not experiencing typical winter weather at that time. At this lecture, attendees will hear why the winter season begins in November, and not on December 21, and how they can eat and live according to the winter season to ensure optimal health and well-being. You will learn about the choices you can make for your family during this time of year, and how these choices can help you avoid the typical winter illnesses. Flu-like symptoms are not a guarantee just because it’s wintertime. You will also hear about safe and easy ways to treat and resolve any of the winter illnesses, if they occur at all. Most importantly, attendees will learn that the dietary and lifestyle choices they make during the winter season can also have a big impact on how their bodies might feel come spring time. Come join Dr. Palevsky for an interesting and informative evening.

$25 per ticket. Early Reservations are Advised. Please Note: Sadly we are not able to accommodate young children. Babies-in-arms are welcome. Click Here to Purchase Tickets: Tickets will NOT be mailed.

Thursday, November 15th ~ FREE EVENT~
“Men’s Room” 

Thomas John
6:00pm – 9:00pm

Real men meditate. Join Thomas John as he hosts the first of a monthly gathering for men interested in developing their spirituality. This in “drop-in” style night welcomes males of all races, sexual orientations, and ages to meet, greet, and connect with other like-minded folks. The evening will allow for networking, small group work, and demonstrations of meditations. Refreshments and gift bag provided. Free Admission, but must register in advance.

To register: Please email Thomas at For more information email: Website:

Friday, November 16th
Awakening Heart: Dances of Universal Peace & Sufi Practice
Turn Class/Whirling 6:45pm; Dances of Universal Peace 7:30pm

“Although we seem to be in a world of song and dance, we are most concerned with peace on earth.” (Sufi Murshid Samuel Lewis)

As a circle, we co-create an atmosphere of HEART with Meditation, Movement/Dance, Sacred Names, Music and Walking Practices based upon the in-the-world, Universal spirituality brought from India to the West by Sufi Pir-o-Murshid Hazrat Inayat Khan and developed by his student Murshid Samuel Lewis; teachings of Mevlana Jelaluddin Rumi, and of worldwide sacred traditions. Those of all paths (and no particular path) are welcome; no previous experience is necessary.

“…I am teaching this music & dancing…to increase Joy, not awe toward another person but bliss in our own self. This is finding God within, through experience.” (Sufi Murshid Samuel Lewis).

Space Contribution: Turn Class $5; Dances of Universal Peace $15; Information (646) 924-9957;

Friday, November 16th
Angelic Circle of Peace

Rev. Barbara

7:00pm – 9:30pm

Leave the workweek behind and allow yourself to simply BE in the Angelic Circle of Peace for an experience of healing on various levels of your BEING as you share with others in an embrace of the gentle love healing energies of Archangels, and other loving beings of light.

You’ll receive an inspirational message from these magical Beings while being invited to open your own intuitive abilities to discern your message. Channeled messages for each person, and for the circle in general, offers further support for your personal and spiritual growth. A lovely guided meditation and energy healing to crown and heart chakras concludes this beautiful circle of peace. Plus your gift is an inspirational booklet, and your full personal Angel message.

Your facilitator is Rev. Barbara, Reiki Master Teacher, Reconnective Healing Practitioner, Christ Light Healer and Spiritual Counselor. She speaks and sings Language of Light and often channels enlightening messages from the Beloved Council during healing circles and private healing sessions. Her commitment to healing work is grounded in her passion for providing a loving conduit for your Soul, heart, mind and body to heal and realign with the Divine Light within you bringing you closer to a harmonious state of well being and oneness with all life.

$25.00 at the door or register online at For more info contact Rev Barbara at (718) 863-1553 or

Friday, November 16th
The Sacred Vibration of Kirtan – Devotional Singing and Sacred Dance
Dr. Grace Telesco
7:00pm – 9:30pm

Blending East and West, this workshop immerses participants in a sacred experience of singing, call and response chanting, drumming and dancing from various faith practices and in various languages (Sanskrit, Hebrew, English). Participants will learn how to lead Kirtan, devotional singing, and sacred dance. Participants will also learn about the energy behind this spiritual practice and the amazing benefits that calm the mind, open the heart and build deep connection with Divine energy.

This elective is an invitation to sing, clap, meditate and dance together to create deep connection to the secret places of your soul.

Rev. Dr. Grace Telesco is an ordained Interfaith Minister, initiated in the Hindu Sanyassi Order in the lineage of Swami Shivenanda, and is on the faculty of the International Seminary for Interfaith Studies (ISIS). Rev. Grace is the Associate Pastor at The Shepherd’s Bridge Interfaith Spiritual Center and Professor of Sociology, Social Work and Criminal Justice in South Florida. She is a graduate of The New Seminary for Interfaith Studies in New York and holds a Ph.D. in Social Work from Fordham University Graduate School of Social Service.

$50. Please RSVP to

Saturday, November 17th
The Return of MAX – The Ancient Crystal Skull

Channeled Powerful Mystical Sacred Ceremony
w/Joann Parks (Skull Keeper) & Jodi Serota (Channel)
7:00pm – 10:00pm

* An Informative Lecture on MAX & The Crystal Skulls w/JoAnn Parks (Skull Keeper)
* A Powerful Channeled Mystical Sacred Ceremony
w/MAX The Ancient Crystal Skull, Jodi Serota & The Hierarchies of Light

Experience MAX, The Most Dynamic Ancient Crystal Skull of our Time, to Awaken your Divine Codes necessary for our Journeys of Evolution & Consciousness. The Time Is Now & Max is a Major Tool on the Planet for the Divine Awakening in us all!

A Special Ceremony with MAX, led by the Hierarchies of Light Channeled through Jodi Serota, igniting everyone to Live Divine Truth as Masters of Consciousness. This experiential ceremony will assist in Reclaiming & Actualizing Full Mastery to Manifest Miracles of The Divine through each of us on Earth.

Enjoy a Channeled Vibrational Concert of Higher Guidance, Sound, Light Language & Color Transmissions. This will trigger the release of old energetic seals within that are inhibiting enlightenment & causing suffering. Recall the innate consciousness codes of your DNA Strands & bring forth Divine expression on the physical plane, ending all perceptions of limitation. Don’t Miss This Powerful Event!

$33 per person. Register for Saturday’s Sacred Ceremony via the PayPal button below or call 212-736-0999 Ext 1. Master Card, Visa, Discover Card, Checks & Cash in advance. Cash only at the door.

Private Channeled Sessions w/Jodi Serota & Max
November 16th, 17th & 18th

By Appointment Only

½ hr. sessions $90 per person – per session. Paid in advance only.
To reserve your session, call 212-736-0999 Ext. 1 Master Card, Visa, Discover Card, Checks & Cash in advance only.


About MAX
MAX THE ANCIENT CRYSTAL SKULL is considered by many, including the British Museum, to be one of the rarest artifacts ever found. Estimated to be at least 10,000 years old, MAX was found in a tomb in Guatemala in the 1920’s. Used by Mayan priests for healing and prayer, the skull was given to Norbu Chen, a powerful healer of the Tibetan sect of Red Hat Lamas for use in his journey as a healer.

Max, along with other ancient crystal skulls, remains a mystery with regard to its origin, including who carved it and where it is from. Many who have been in the presence of these crystal skulls feel that they are from other dimensional realms and perhaps were used by ancient civilizations (including Atlantis and Lemuria) to sustain contact between Star Beings and the human race.

Others who have touched the skulls have had a range of experiences including receiving instantaneous healing, information, visions of other worlds and the experience of unusual sounds and expanded intuitive abilities. To this day, MAX is used as a tool for awakening consciousness and accelerating healing and growth on all levels.

Monday, November 19th
The Power of Email Marketing , Social Media and Video Marketing ~FREE EVENT~
Nani Nakagawa, Social Media Expert
7:00pm – 9:00pm

Today, more than ever before, business success is measured by the strength of the relationships each business builds. You’ll learn how to build those relationships using easy, inexpensive and highly effective email marketing! We will explore the basics of what email marketing is, why it works so well, how it easily integrates with social networking sites, and how to use it in your business planning and marketing strategy to achieve special goals.

In this seminar, you will learn email marketing best practices and how easy it is to implement them. You will take away knowledge of how to: * adhere to the do’s and don’ts of email marketing * create email campaign strategies that are effective for your business * build your mailing list to include people who are truly interested in your message * write compelling subject lines and copy * interpret email campaign results (open-rates, bounce-rates, click-thru rates, etc.) * develop targeted follow-up campaigns * successfully integrate your email and social media marketing efforts.

Come learn how to build strong relationships that will lead to more business and growth through the power of email marketing.

All are welcome. For questions, please email: Register Here.

Monday, November 19th
Learn the Art of Turkish Coffee Reading
7:00pm – 9:00pm

An ancient tradition by which residue remaining at the bottom of the cup reveals images that Saba, the Turkish master, intuitively translates.

In this 2 hour workshop, you will learn how these images are interpreted as well as have a reading of your own cup by a Turkish master of coffee grind reading.

Turkish Coffee readings are another tool to tap into your psychic ability. See if this method may be the key to awakening your third eye!

$20 includes workshop, coffee and reading. $15 for advance reservations (must book by Nov. 5th). Call 917-658-1660 or email:

Monday, November 19th
SQ Wellness Satsang
Facilitated by Michelle Fitch
7:00pm – 9:00pm

Through the ages, people have sought the wisdom, support and connectedness of community – particularly during challenging times.

Join us each month as we come together to explore ancient teachings, techniques, and tools to navigate life as taught by Master Teacher, Derek O’Neill. Each gathering begins by listening to one of Derek’s discourses on topics as varied as “Looking at Your Life Patterns”, “The Root Cause of Suffering”, “The Art of Manifestation” and the Bhagavad Gita. The night concludes with a group discussion of the evening’s discourse, and an opportunity to share life’s challenges, seek support and perhaps walk away with a fresh perspective. All are welcome as there is truly something here for everyone, all you need to bring is an open mind and heart.

For more information on Derek O’Neill and SQ Wellness, please visit us at:

Exchange for this event is on a by donation basis. To register, please contact Michelle Fitch at

Tuesday, November 20th
Sound and Light Activation
Integration and Ascension: Divine Light Activation with Tibetan Bowls, Metatron & the Master Teachers
Suzy Meszoly
7:00pm – 8:30pm

Suzy has been playing the Tibetans for nearly 15 years in her energetic healing practice with private clients, where she combines sound healing with healing touch and channeled light. Bringing bowls back from her pilgrimages to Nepal, she has selected those which are hand made from 7 metals and which have been blessed by her Tibetan teachers.

The Tibetan bowls have the simple power of creating a unifying energetic field, allowing for the integration of human experience without judgment, without fear. While acting as a bridge for the Metatronic energy field, Suzy plays the Tibetans, creating an integration sound field while channeling the Divine Light.(Participants will be lying down for these activations, please bring blankets and cushions if you need them. Some will be provided there as well)

$25 Pre-registration is required. $35 at the door. Please contact Suzy on 845.616-0860 or email or purchase your ticket using paypal on the website:

Tuesday, November 20th
A Night with Hanuman
Rebecca Suzanne Scott
7:00pm – 9:30pm

What would it be like for you to be immersed in the sea of Devotion that Hanuman, the Monkey God is? What would if be like for you to feel the power of his Strength, see a vision of the bright symbol of his Wisdom, and hear, be aware, and surrounded by the rhythms and sounds of Devotional Music dedicated to Hanuman?

When you come to this evening, the Channeling of Hanuman and Hypno-Therapeutic Journey into his kingdom (facilitated this evening by Rebecca Suzanne Scott) will send you home knowing that you truly have spent “a night with Hanuman.”

Rebecca Suzanne Scott has been a student, teacher, and facilitator of the Healing Arts for 25 years. Rebecca is a Certified Professional Hypnotherapist, a Certified NLP Practitioner, Energy Healer, Hand & Foot Reflexologist, Channel, Rising Star Healing Practitioner & Teacher, and facilitator of Prema Brithings, More Truth Will Set You Free workshops, and Reiki. Rebecca offers all of these teachings and modalities in her healing space, Heaven in Hell’s Kitchen in New York City, as well as a new modality, Hypno-Reflexology.

Exchange: $25 when preregistered, $30 at the door. To Register Contact: Rebecca Suzanne Scott at 212-315-4075 Coming soon:

Wednesday, November 21st
Atlantean Metaphysics
Skydin Zeal
7:00pm – 10:00pm

In this In-depth workshop and group activation we will be reaching into the past to integrate ancient practices from around the world to teach you Mastery of your life experience.

Part I – Clearing: Skydin will start by offering a very rich bouquet of herbal magic to balance and cleanse and spiritually energize the room. Atlantean Sound healing instruments will be used to heal, align and empower you. Skydin will call upon the Four Archangels & do an Icelandic Rite protecting the room from disruptive elements.

Part II – Skydin will chant other-worldly Norse Mantras, Tibetan throat singing and teach empowering Norse/Atlantean poses called Staddhagaldr.

Part III – Group Reading: Everyone receives a brief powerful rune reading! Skydin answers one question or makes an open-ended statement on what you need to do in your life.

Psychic gifts you may learn: your spiritual and material life will improve rapidly. This is because Skydin is initiated to communicate and transfer wisdom from multiple distant realities. Thus helping people shape their reality into what they enjoy best.

Learn How to Shield Yourself with simple Gestures, Mudras & the use of clothing. Questions & Answers: Skydin Zeal is a Claircognizant channel and will be able to answer your practical esoteric questions.

RSVP to ensure your spot or for more info email: (if you show up you will most likely be allowed to join, but RSVP is encouraged) Cost: $25, cash at door. Website:

Saturday, November 24th
(Rescheduled from Nov 4th)
Expanding Consciousness with the Master Teachers, Energetic Activations for the New Earth!
Suzy Mezsoly
10:00am – 4:00pm

Brain Surgery with the Master Teachers! Our brains are expanding literally in this workshop! The Master Teachers will be melting the barriers, the concepts and restrictions that have kept us under-utilizing that great transmitter/ receiver, biological computer that sits on top of our necks! Our brains are the way we experience, create and remain present in this reality. With profound activations and revealing teachings, the Master Teachers will support our ascension into the fully expanded versions of ourselves.

$125 Pre-registration is required. $150 at the door. Please contact Suzy on 845.616-0860 or email or purchase your ticket using paypal on the website:

Monday, November 26th
Evening of Enchantment
Angela Aim
7:00pm – 8:30pm

This is an exciting event that will give you a chance to look deeper inside yourself and get a new perspective at your current life circumstances. We’ll start the evening with some gentle movements, color meditation and mantras for opening the channels and grounding. Then we’ll proceed to a channel; everyone in the group will receive a personal “delivery.”

The messages that will come your way will help you gain an understanding of your soul mission in relation of past lives, family, friends, mates co-workers or departed loved ones. It will be given to you because your soul seeks to offer you the most healing experience at your present journey.

During the Channel, you will receive clearing that sinks into your mental body as a message from your Guides. There will be an immense amount of energy processing around your etheric and emotional body as well. At the events like that people get strong emotional responses and purification.

This experience can be compared with seeing yourself in a mirror that reflects every color of the rainbow around your physical body; making you feel highly elevated and shine inside and out. The Light and Information that you receive continues to work with your physical, mental and emotional body long after our gathering.

Angela Aim is Graduate of Kairos institute of Sound Healing, Light Workers Association of Las Vegas, Sedona Shamanic School, and Power Brain Center of NY, she also has a Master Degree in Education and Psychology.

Fee: $45.00; Please register by email at or by phone at 646-963-5321.

Tuesday, November 27th
Personal Power Series 1 – Stepping Into Your Personal Power
Lisa Danels
7:00pm – 9:00pm

When you step into your Personal Power you will unleash all of your Natural Gifts and Abilities. In this state of your I AM Presence you fully allow the life force to move through you. This two-hour session will explore all the elements of personal power and help you evaluate how you are flowing and where you are blocked. You will walk away with practical tools that will allow you to increase Your Personal Power Rapidly.

Lisa Danels is Akashic Record Reader, Energy Healer and Personal Power Spiritual Speaker.

Pre-register $25, at the door $35. For more info on Lisa and the Personal Power Series, and to register visit: or contact Mel (310) 710-8081.

Tuesday, November 27th
Divinely Latina Introductory Session
Cynthia Santiago
6:30pm – 8:30pm

Cynthia Santiago, Life Coach, Healer, and Founder of Latina Wellness, will provide an introductory evening on how you can rise to your highest divine potential and fulfill your dreams.

During this 2 hour workshop, will introduce you to specific strategies and tools that Cynthia uses in her self-development program, Divinely Latina – The 12 Paths to Happiness, Optimal Well-Being, and Being Your Best Divine Self.

This program was uniquely designed to eliminate self-limiting beliefs and behaviors while address the multiplicity of cultural influences that form the Latina identity. If you want to learn more on how you can transform your life, learn how to be your best divine self, and flourish in every area of your life join us on:

Fee: $10. RSVP: Please email Cynthia at For more information, visit:

Wednesday, November 28th
Awakening the Kundalini
Abdy Electricetah
Two Sessions: 6pm – 8pm & 8pm – 10pm

Abdy has an ancient, indescribable gift, which allows people to attune to the vibration that they need to receive for themselves. The result is to be harmonized with one’s own soul. When the mind is harmonized with the soul, it is aligned in its own path in universal harmony. Every level of harmony is interrelated and the harmony within unfolds the universe, now and forever. “There is no name for what you receive.” ­ Abdy

$50 each session. If you have a financial consideration, please contact us to pre-arrange a concessionRSVP to Alan Steinfeld or call 212 473-6388. For more information go to: Please bring your own cushion and mat.

Wednesday, November 28th
“How To Have More Fun & Less Drama With Your Dating, Sex & Relationships”
Linda Wasil, CFMW & Adam Johnson, CFMW
7:00pm – 9:30pm

Would you like to have less drama, trauma, and upset with your dating and all of your relationships – especially with your family this holiday season? What if things could be way easier and more fun than they currently are? If so, you don’t want to miss this class that will provide you with tools that will open up doors you may not have known even existed. What if you could be you with ease in all your relationships?

Linda Wasil is an international speaker, transformational life coach, energy worker, author, and facilitator of Access Consciousness™. Her recently published book, “Beyond the Stigma of Abuse” is an inspirational story of joy and possibility. The first 2 Chapters can be downloaded for free at: To book a private session with Linda, call 650.400.6128

Adam Johnson is a transformational life coach and energy worker and uses the tools of Access Consciousness™, which include both verbal processing and body processes. He is a Certified Yoga Instructor, a Certified Tai Chi Instructor from Suhm Yoga and a Certified Macrobiotic Wellness Consultant from the Kushi Institute of Macrobiotics.

Cost: $25. To RSVP or book a private session with Adam Johnson, call 303.819.9063 or email him at

FEATURED EVENT: Thursday, November 29th
META Center & New Realities Present:

God, Science & The Evolution of Consciousness Panel & Networking
Richard Grossinger, Kurt Johnson, Howard Bloom with Moderator Alan Steinfeld
7:00pm – 9:45pm

* What is the relationship of consciousness to the cosmos?
* How can science evolve to create a better understating about the nature of reality?
* Where do human beings fit into the great picture of the everything?
* Can we redefine the notion of God in terms of a new science; a new understanding and a new state of being?
* How is our evolution directly related to the embodiment of new realities?

These three impressive authors and presenters will give a comprehensive overview of the new paradigms of science and consciousness. Their collective understandings will weave together a new view of the universe in its present reshuffling of awareness. The event will include the panel discussion and networking, along with light refreshments later in the evening.

Richard Grossinger: Richard Grossinger: Along with his wife, Lindy Hough, founded the publishing company North Atlantic Books. His own published works include titles on holistic medicine, cosmology, and embryology. In his three-volume work Dark Pool of Light, Richard weaves neuroscience and the phenomenology of being and reality together with psychospiritual views of “that single thing which is most difficult to understand or vindicate: our own existence.”

Kurt Johnson is a scientist, spiritual teacher, seminary professor who co-founded, InterSpiritual Dialogue in Action and the Community of The Mystic Heart. Kurt is co-authored with David Robert Ord the forthcoming The Coming Interspiritual Age. This is the first book to review the ongoing history of world religions and spirituality in the context of developmental history, the evolutionary consciousness movement, and current scientific understandings of anthropology, human cognitive and consciousness studies.

Howard Bloom is the author of 4 monumental works of writings: The Global Brain: The Evolution of Mass Mind from the Big Bang to the 21st Century, The Genius of the Beast: A Radical Re-Vision of Capitalism, The Lucifer Principle: a Scientific Expedition into the Forces of History. His most recent work: The God Problem: How A Godless Cosmos Creates, takes you on a scientific expedition into a cosmos that is constantly creating. One critic has suggested that The God Problem may be a great book on a par with Darwin’s Origin of the Species.

Alan Steinfeld, moderator, has been the host of the spiritually based talk show New Realities for the past 15 years. He has interviewed many of the top leaders in the human potential movement. He feels the times that we are in now are creating vast changes in consciousness. He hopes this panel will shed some light and direction on these changes. For his latest interviews go to:

Cost: $20 in advance via PayPal

Or call META Center at 212 736 0999 Ext. 1 to register. MC, VISA, Discover, checks & cash accepted – all non-refundable. $25 cash only at the door.

Thursday, November 29th
The Shamans Journey for Personal and Global Healing
Rev. Anthony Farmer
7:00pm -9:30pm

In this experiential and interactive workshop, Rev. Farmer will guide students as they learn of shamanism and the shamanic journey, experience a shamanic journey, and participate in a personal healing ritual. Shamanism is the oldest spiritual and healing tradition.

The shamanic journey is an indigenous technology used to connect to the spirit realms where spiritual wisdom, guidance and medicine are obtained and used for individual, community and global healing. Rev. Farmer will discuss and share insights on the role of shamanism in our expanding and shifting consciousness; and, how shamanism is a foundation of his ministry.

Please Bring: Bandana or eye covering, pen/paper

Rev. Anthony Farmer, OUnI, CHM is an Ordained Interfaith Minister (The New Seminary 2008), and Ordained Interfaith-Interspiritual Cleric and Wisdom Keeper (Order of Universal Interfaith 2010). He is the Senior Minister and visionary of Visions of the Heart Spiritual Life Center in Maryland/Metro DC. A Reiki Master Teacher, shaman, and published author, Rev. Anthony integrates and synthesizes these various energies and wisdoms in his spiritual walk as a teacher and guide.

$50. Please RSVP to

Friday, November 30th ~FREE EVENT~
Quantum Healing
Cellular Reprogramming By the Divine Diamond®
with Aniruddhan & Natercia
6:30pm – 7:25pm / recommended for participants of the 7:30pm event

This opportunity is for everyone to learn how to work with the Divine Diamond®. This special group field is for communication with the body’s innate intelligence. Instructing the stem cells and cellular system to align with our sacred DNA and collect the best attributes for greater cellular longevity. With our multidimensional ability to access fractal time we will bring forth the experience of being more Quantumly connected as incarnate and energetic beings, manifesting and living from our True Selves. This will directly affect our physical process of regeneration and spiritual evolution, as we learn and mature in the ability to take and make the best of our response-ability.

The group will then move into the Ahh…manifestation sound to shake lose deeply held survival grief and fears. This is an invitation to experience the profound regenerative power of the practice and the wisdom gained from allowing ourselves to take part in our manifestation process. We will be laying and sitting, please bring water, pads, pillows and blankets.

For information contact

Group Healing using the Divine Diamond®,Vortexhealing® & E-Lybra®9 Bio-Resonance Body Alignment & Strenghtening System
With Aniruddhan & Natercia
7:30pm – 10:00pm
Previous FREE event recommended 6:30pm – 7:25pm

Bio-resonance is the ability for an external frequency/pattern to resonate with a specific item in the bio-field of the physical body, creating changes that directly affect the pathology and improve the functioning and overall health of the entire system.

VortexHealing®, designed to transform the roots of emotional consciousness, heal the physical body and awaken spirit within the human heart. When divine consciousness is truly accessed, it also acts as an independent intelligence; it knows exactly where the roots of your issues are held and goes directly there to transform them. VortexHealing® works with both divine energy and divine consciousness, accessing both in a variety of ways.

Divine Diamond® is a multidimensional energy that interfaces through a Trinity field connecting with the heart, the earth and around the body. This creates a connection to our systems quantum aspects from which transformations can happen in all physical and energetic bodies at once. The Quantum Star is pure grace, connecting us with the Earth, Solar and Galactic Trinity, the “Flower of Life”. This experience activates the harmonic resonant of our sacred DNA, and in the combined presence of the e-Lybra®9 and VortexHealing®, you are in for an event that you will not forget.

Fee: $45.00 Visit where you can register and pay in advance, read a detailed explanation of the work, view videos, and learn more. For information contact (Online registration appreciated but not required).

Friday, November 30th
Galactic Alignment 2012 and Beyond Event:
2012, The Age of Aquarius & The Cosmic Mechanisms of Time
Tricia McCannon
7:00pm – 10:00pm (doors open at 6:30pm)

Today, as we stand at the precipice of the 2012 Prophecies many ask: “What does it mean? How does it affect me? How should I prepare, and what should I prepare for?” This complex and powerful subject embraces the diverse fields of astronomy, pole shifts, solar storms, UFO’s, astrophysics, the hidden history of mankind, lost Atlantis, and the esoteric study of electromagnetic fields. If you are interested in understanding this critical time in Earth’s history, then we invite you to join us for two extraordinary events.

Friday night’s stunningly presentation focuses on the science behind the shift of the ages and the cosmic mechanisms of time. This is a foundational piece in understanding where we are today, what is going to happen, and why the Mayans prophesied the end of the pyramid of time.

Renowned clairvoyant, historian and author Tricia McCannon presents two extraordinary events on the science and prophecies behind 2012 and beyond. She has been a headliner at Conferences around the world and appeared on over 175 radio and television shows, including Coast To Coast AM, Dreamland and Strange Universe.

$25 in advance/$30 at the door. To Register or to book a private with Tricia, call 212-222-5432 or email

214 West 29th Street, 16th Floor, New York, NY 10001
(212) 736 0999 Ext.1.