August Events At A Glance
8/2: Satsang with Paramahansa Jagadish ~FREE EVENT~
8/2: Goddess Within You – Jaesa Momin
8/3 & 8/4: Let Your Happiness Happen: Introduction to The Option Method – Wendy Dolber & Frank Mosca, PH.d
8/6: Soltando Lazos Que Atan – Julio Bevione
8/7: Healing With Your Hands: Feel the Power – Bobby Aduna
8/7: Seance In The City – Jesse Bravo
8/8: The Lion’s Gate Portal Transmission – Jodi Serota, Maryanne Savino & Kate Anjahlia Loye
8/9: Documentary – The Path: Beyond the Physical – (Part II of a Doc. Triology) ~CANCELLED~
8/9: Being a Pillar of Light – Karyn Annette, Linda Principato, Noel O’Donnell & Blanca Beyar
8/11: “Soul Talk” Series #2 Presents: Who Heals The Healers? Part 2: Recalibrating Our Emotional Bodies – Nancy “Andie” SantoPietro
8/14: The Natural, Mystical & Universal Powers of Crystals – Basic Crystals Body Layouts – Experiential – Cephora
8/15: Summer ‘Psychic Readings’ Evening
8/16: Angelic Circle of Peace – Rev. Barbara
8/16 – 8/19: Creativity Workshop – Shelley Berc & Alejandro Fogel
8/17: Reiki Shoden (First Degree) – Lilia V. Marquez
8/20 – 8/23: Creativity Workshop – Shelley Berc & Alejandro Fogel
8/20: Magical, Mystical Full Moon Event – A Time of Change – Jodi Serota & The Hierarchies of Light
8/21: “Gioìa* and the Children of the New Era” *In Italian “Joy” – Alessandra Gioia Morri
8/21: Crystal Power!- Bobby Aduna
8/21: Seance In The City – Jesse Bravo
8/22: Psychic Circle for Singles – Psychic Medium Milou
8/23: Spiritual Singles Speed Dating – &
8/23: Learn How to Channel Angels & Receive a Group Sound Healing & Activation Session – Chernise Spruell
8/26: Social Media & Linkedin For Your Business ~FREE WORKSHOP~
8/27: Sound and Light Activation. Integration & Ascension: Divine Light Activation with Himalayan Bowls, Metatron and the Master Teachers – Suzy Meszoly
8/28: Breath Work & Meditation Workshop – Dr. Richard Brown
8/28: The Natural, Mystical & Universal Powers of Crystals Crystals for Transformation & Creation – Crystal Grids & Elixirs – Cephora
Friday, August 2nd
Satsang ~FREE EVENT~
6:45pm – 9:00pm
The more one works with Jagadish, the more one will realize their true potential as a joyful and loving human being and awaken a dormant part of themselves that possesses more: * joy, illumination and acceptance * love of self * love of others and the world.
When Paramahansa Jagadish was four, he fell headfirst into a hole. But he didn’t land on his head – he was found sitting in the lotus position, unharmed, at peace as he entered into the state of profound liberation. And so his life of spiritual illumination began.
Join us for a beautiful evening of Satsang with Jagadish.
Please pre-register: or email Private Karma Clearings with Jagadish by appt. Call Mel 310-710-8081.
Friday, August 2nd
Goddess Within You
Jaesa Momin
7:00pm – 9:00pm
Awaken the goddess within!
This beautiful, empowering and healing workshop is only for women! Sorry gentlemen!
Jaesa will be speaking about the goddess power within that we all women have and how to bring it out and live our lives as goddesses that we truly are!
Jaesa will be doing FREE goddess readings during the class to deliver messages from the Goddesses and Angels about what steps we should take on our new empowered path as a goddess and keep improving it and live it to the fullest potential!
In this class you will learn: * How to call upon various Goddesses for help in any situation * How to change your lifestyle to feel better and look better * How to eat better and treat yourself like a goddess * What messages Goddesses want you to know at this time * Getting to know Goddesses and their powerful qualities and abilities * How to change your opinion about yourself and other women * How to love yourself as a woman/goddess that you are and realizing what a precious being you are and more!
This class will be a lot of lady-fun but will be very healing and empowering also!
Jaesa Momin is: an Angel Therapy Practitioner® Certified by Doreen Virtue Ph.D * Certified Angel Card Reader by Doreen Virtue Ph.D, * IET Advanced Level Practitioner Certified by Tina Marie Bertoli * Spiritual Teacher.
Admission fee $40 (cash only at door). Space is limited (9 seats only). Registration required, please email
Saturday, August 3rd & Sunday, August 4th
Let Your Happiness Happen:
Introduction to The Option Method
Facilitators: Wendy Dolber & Frank Mosca, PH.d
10:00am – 6:00pm
Explore your potential for genuine happiness in this empowering, experiential and fun workshop. Learn the fundamentals of the most efficient, effective method for unraveling any unhappiness and opening the door to freedom, growth and self discovery.
Topics include: • How your vision of happiness controls how much happiness you have in your life • How you can change your life by knowing how feelings are created • How unhappiness turns solvable practical problems into emotional conundrums • How to trade the myth and burden of control for the power of choice • Why you never have to be stuck with feelings you don’t like • How to tap into the wellspring of joyous motivation and energy we all share, and • How to use The Option Method to turn your unhappiness around.
Tuition: Early Bird Special – $275 until June 15th. To register, please go to
Tuesday, August 6th
Soltando Lazos que atan
Julio Bevione
7:00pm – 9:00pm
Liberar ataduras mentales o emocionales es uno de los desafíos más importantes que tenemos los seres humanos. Situaciones pasadas que aún nos duelen, vivencias que siguen presentes en nuestro pensamiento a pesar del tiempo o personas que ya no están en nuestro entorno, pero que sentimos que siguen interfiriendo en nuestro destino.
De estas, entre otras maneras, seguimos atados al pasado que nos limita, nos duele o simplemente no nos deja en paz.
En la charla, Julio nos llevará paso a paso a soltar esos lazos que nos atan.
Quienes asisten a sus conferencias, conocen la manera práctica y didáctica de Julio para guiarnos. No dejen pasar esta oportunidad.
Como siempre, las entradas tienen un valor de $25 dólares, para que puedas invitar a amigos que tu sientas les puede ayudar esta conferencia. Para registración: o 201-951-6042.
Wednesday, August 7th ~EVENT POSTPONED~
An Introduction To Vedic Meditation
New York Meditation Center
7:00pm – 8:15pm
Vedic Meditation is an easy, natural technique that delivers benefits immediately. The deep rest gained from meditation creates the conditions whereby the nervous system is able to spontaneously purify and re-balance.
Scientific studies show that Vedic Meditation allows you to: * reduce stress and anxiety * enjoy better sleep and more energy * increase awareness & clarity of mind * improve physical well-being * slow the aging process.
In this one-hour talk you will learn about the benefits of the technique, the mechanics of how it works and how it is taught. There will be an opportunity to join the basic meditation course the following weekend.
Free Event. Please RSVP online:
Wednesday, August 7th
Healing With Your Hands: Feel the Power
Bobby Aduna
6:30pm – 9:00pm
Join the fun, experience the power and be ready for amazing results. Participants will learn how to balance chakras, heal from a distance, remove physical pain, boost energy, raise room vibrations, address emotional pain, refine and advance your existing healing abilities, heal pets and more. Perfect for beginners through experienced healers, adults and kids.
$20-at the door. Space is limited. To reserve your seat please email Bring comfortable clothing and clean socks. For more information, please visit
Wednesday, August 7th
Seance In The City
Jesse Bravo
7:00pm – 9:00pm
Come to our purely positive séance where we encourage mystics, psychics, mediums and all people to enhance their spiritual awareness in a safe and empowering environment. All of our séance conductors are highly trained and renowned mediums.
Whether you are looking to connect with a loved one who has recently passed or to receive messages from spirit, our group offers a warm and friendly environment to all who are interested. Before each séance we begin our group with a 15 minute lesson on psychic development, covering topics from psychic impressions to spirit communication.
We then begin our séance with a nondenominational prayer of protection and lead a guided visual mediation. After the meditation each person who attends will receive a message from one of our highly trained séance conductors. All participants are guaranteed to receive a message.
The purpose of our séance is to communicate directly with spirit and to form an open and inviting spiritual community in New York City. Our meeting times are every other Wednesday night at 7:00pm. For legal purposes it is understood that our group and the messages given at our séances are for entertainment purposes only.
Fee is $20. Register via or call 917-733-3107. Please be timely, because we do not open our doors once we begin our meditation (for obvious reasons).
Thursday, August 8th
The Lion’s Gate Portal Transmission:
Awakening New Codes of Consciousness for Humanity
with Jodi Serota, Maryanne Savino & Kate Anjahlia Loye
7:00pm – 9:45pm
Join us on this special evening as we work with the alignment of the Earth, the star system Sirius & the Sun. This gateway transmission of a new, higher frequency resonance ignites innate abilities for greater abundance, creativity and manifestation for all of humanity.
Tap into the Divine Infinite, “Ein Soph”, through the 8/8 number vibration and experience the greater connection to the Elohim (Creator Gods), The Grace of the Unified Field (support & connection to all dimensions), and the Infinite Eternal Flame within, of Love!
Through channeled guidance, vocal vibrational sound & light language activations, resonant gong baths, sacred dance infusions in honor of the Goddess Sekhmet, crystal bowl frequencies and higher consciousness DNA code awakenings…Jodi, Maryanne & Kate will guide everyone through an experiential evening that will take each person present, on a higher consciousness journey, not to be missed!
Come and enjoy an initiation for greater evolution through the download of crystalline liquid sound & light of the creative energy of this golden sun in Leo with the blue frequency waves of the star system Sirius, anchoring in the Divine through the gravity from the core of the Earth. Everyone welcome!
$27 in advance. Register via PayPal or call META Center at 212-736-0999 Ext. 1. (MC, VISA, Discover accepted – all non-refundable). $33 cash only at the door.
Friday, August 9th ~CANCELLED~
The Path: Beyond the Physical
(Part II of a doc. triology, investigating Consciousness, Out of the Body Experiences & Remote Viewing)
Doors open at 6:30pm, Film starts at 7:00pm
Q&A panel to follow with filmmakers April Hannah & Michael Habernig
Join upstate filmmakers, producer April Hannah and director Michael Habernig for a screening of their latest film, Beyond the Physical, Part II of The Path Documentary Series.
The film investigates topics of out of body phenomena, remote viewing, and multiple dimensions. Much of the new film was shot at the The Monroe Institute in Faber, Virginia, and features TMI’s former research director and president F. Holmes “Skip” Atwater, its former executive director Paul Rademacher, leading out-of-body expert William Buhlman, and professional physicist Thomas, author of My Big TOE.
A question and answer panel with the filmmakers will follow the screening.
View the 4 Minute trailer at:
Tickets can be purchased for $10 on-line at or $15 at the door.
Friday, August 9th
Being a Pillar of Light
Karyn Annette, Linda Principato, Noel O’Donnell & Blanca Beyar
6:30pm – 9:30pm
Join 4 incredible light-workers as they share their wisdom on:
* The benefits of connecting to Nature * Blue Ray Intuitive Energy * Soul and Mind Nutrition * Healing with Crystals
Noel O’Donnell, Life and Wellness Coach, Reiki Practitioner, Founder of She Lives Inspired. ”Why We Need to Unplug from Technology and Reconnect with Nature.” More about Noel here:
Blanca Beyar, Spiritual Author, Guru, Empath, Medium, RMT ”The Blue Ray Energy and the Empath/Intuitive”. Blanca’s website:
Linda Principato, Holistic Health Counselor, Reflexologist and Reiki Master ”Find Your Well Spot – A Holistic Approach to Body-Mind-Soul Nutrition”
Karyn Annette, Reiki Master, Spiritual Artist, & Lemurian Crystal Healer ”Awakening the Light Body with Crystal Quartz”
Register at:!eventsannoucements-/c1mpx Facebook:
Sunday, August 11th
“Soul Talk” Series #2 Presents: Who Heals The Healers?
Part 2: Recalibrating Our Emotional Bodies
with Nancy “Andie” SantoPietro
10:00am – 4:00pm
Calling all Nurses, Body Workers, Acupuncturists, Therapists, Healers, Counselors, Teachers, Caregivers, Helping Professionals and those of us who are here in the service of others…
Although it’s a most incredible time to be alive on the planet… in creating this new world today we also have had to walk through, what has felt like at times, unbearable shifts and very confusing changes! But for those of you who have been on the front lines and held specific lifelong “service contracts” to assist others – its been especially challenging! For years, you had to put your own personal work (and life) on the back burner while first making sure that “everyone else got safely on to the lifeboat”! As you each begin to turn the focus on yourself – many are wondering if the… boat has left without them?
After the big shift of Dec. 2012 – the old manual on “how things work”… just doesn’t apply anymore!
Awakening to a new world without the “new tools” needed to navigate it – has inadvertently created much fear, confusion, lack of direction, financial stress and a silent questioning if your own beliefs, intuition and “usually dependable” guides have abandoned or betrayed you! Well..nothing is further from the truth!
You have come to this planet with a VERY high frequency “soul contract”… to be of service to others! The universe has not forgotten you. Your life is exactly where it should be and you have never been more needed than now!
Are you questioning your life’s work as a service provider and trying to figure out your new role on the planet today?
This workshop will address: the “bigger picture” of what is happening on the planet and how it is impacting you directly; the tools needed to function in this new reality; how to re-purpose your work; check for expirations dates on your original service contracts and help you transmute the belief systems that are limiting and gumming up the works! Learn how to shift out from the craziness and find your new place in this rapidly changing landscape!
If you are feeling called to join this very special “Soul Group” community of like-hearted people who are also seeking a clearer understanding of all that is happening around them and why they have chosen to be here during this most important time in the Evolution of Human Spiritual Development then…. Welcome Home!!!!
Nancy “Andie” SantoPietro is an internationally known Feng Shui Expert, “Spiritual Law” Counselor, Chakracologist™ & Author of Best Sellers, Feng Shui: Harmony By Design and Feng Shui & Health: The Anatomy of a Home. She lectures worldwide including local venues such as NYC Open Center and the Omega Institute on the Ascension Process, Frequency Shifts, Soul Contracts, Chakra Energy System, Feng Shui and on becoming a Human Angel. Currently in its 20th year, Nancy SantoPietro & Associates, Inc. offers 5D Individual Counseling, Bach, Color, Light and Sound Therapies, Personal/Business/Health Feng Shui Consultations and Workshops. Phone & on-site services available. NYC & NJ offices.
Cost: $150. Register: Email or call NSP&A. Inc. – 718-256-2640.
Wednesday, August 14th
Basic Crystals Body Layouts (Chakra Alignment – Crystal Healing) – Experiential
7:00pm – 9:00pm (Doors open at 6:30pm)
Upcoming Dates: Aug 28th, Sept 25th, Oct 23rd, Nov 6th & 20th, Dec 11th
Discover how, by integrating healing crystals into your life, you could reach the next level.
Do you know that you have more to live, express, give, enjoy? Don’t stay stuck! Learn how Stones can help you find the courage to powerfully transform your experience and unlock your creativity and expression of Self.
Crystals and minerals help connect, see and release energetic blocks and ‘programming’. Be the creator of your experience!
In this workshop, each participant will perform and experience 2 body layouts. Enhance your well-being by supporting your chakras. Relax, balance, harmonize and protect using stones. Please wear a white cotton top.
Q&A and crystals sales at the end of workshop. This class is for everyone attracted to the mineral kingdom.
Exchange: $25. Reservations Walk-in welcome but seating is limited + crystal gifts is not guaranteed if not pre-registered. Please sign up. Questions and reservations: All workshops are from 7-9pm ~ Doors open at 6:30pm
Thursday, August 15th
Summer Psychic Reading Event
4:00pm – 9:30pm
Join us on Thursday, August 15th for an afternoon/evening of Readings with some of New York’s top Psychics.
Readings are $25 each for a 20 minute reading
Channeled, Psychic, Tarot, Medium & Oracle Readings
* Milo * Tori Quisling * Jesse Bravo * Cher Elyse Carden * Calise Simone
* Patricia Jamison * Christopher William
Soul Readings
Kate Anjalhia Loye
Hand Analysis
Jean Worth
Angel Readings
Jaesa Momin
Psychic Reader of Grinds & Handwriting Analysis
Aura Photography
Intuitive Readings / Medium / Chakra Scanning / Abundance Attunement
Elise Stone
English & En Español
Tarot / Goddess / Angel Readings
Tarot / Lecturas de Diosas / Lecturas de ángeles
Robert Alvarez
Goddess Card Readings
Lecturas de Diosas
Rosangel Perez
Crystals, Jewelry & Shamanism Products
Oh Olivia Sacred Healing Jewelry & Healing Crystals
by Olivia Olkowksi
Feng Shui & Shamanism for Love, Health & Money
-Free Activations for Love & Money
by Maria Elena Nunez
Doors Open at 3:15pm. Registration starts at 3.30pm. No advance appointments. Bring your friends and enjoy a fun evening of psychic readings.
Friday, August 16th
Angelic Circle of Peace
Rev. Barbara
7:00pm – 9:30pm
Begin your weekend in the ‘Angelic Circle of Peace’ for an experience of healing that supports a return to the wholeness of your being. Share in an embrace of the gentle love healing energies of the Archangels and allow yourself to open your intuitive abilities as you receive inspirational messages from these magical Beings of Light.
In addition, Rev Barbara channels loving messages from her spiritual guides for each person in the circle as well as the circle as a whole. These messages are offered to support your own insights, and for your continued growth and enlightenment. The evening includes a lovely guided meditation and activations to crown and heart chakras. Plus your gift is an inspirational booklet, and your full personal Angel message.
Rev. Barbara is an energy healing practitioner (Reiki, Christ Light Healing, Reconnective Healing) with a commitment to healing service that is grounded in her passion for providing a gentle, loving conduit for your soul, heart, mind and body to realign with Divine Light within you that promotes a return to the wholeness of being and oneness with all life. In addition the Angelic Circles of Peace, Rev. Barbara also offers private healing sessions, private consultations with her guides and she teaches the Usui System of Natural Healing.
$25.00 at the door or on line at For more information please contact RevB at 718-863-1553.
Friday, August 16th – Monday, August 19th
Creativity Workshop
Shelley Berc & Alejandro Fogel
10:30am – 1:30pm
The Creativity Workshop is an intensive 4 day class that teaches individuals in all disciplines ways to develop their unique creativity and use it in their lives and work.
The Creativity Workshop achieves this through a specially designed series of techniques in creative writing, memoir, free-form drawing, collage, and storytelling.
The Workshop helps its participants tap into their muses, discover and use images from the unconscious, get over creative blocks and the fear of failure, engage the power of curiosity, use memories to spark the imagination, and develop a daily practice to accomplish these goals.
Pre-registration required. For more information and registration go to:
Saturday, August 17th
Reiki Shoden (First Degree)
Lilia V. Marquez, RN-BC
9:30am – 5:30pm
This program is geared towards all individuals who are interested to learn Reiki Ryoho (Healing Art/Method), a healing modality that originated in Japan. Reiki is easy and simple to learn. Reiki Ryoho has twofold purposes: healing and spiritual.
Program objectives – by the end of this one day intensive program, participants will be able to: * Explain the meaning of Reiki * Explain the mission of Usui Reiki Ryoho * Discuss and explain the original Reiki Principles written by Usui Sensei * Explain Komyo Reiki Kai Purpose * Describe the different levels of Komyo Reiki Kai * Discuss Komyo Reiki Kai Motto * Identify the Benefits of Reiki * Identify the Characteristics of Reiki * Discuss the history of Reiki Ryoho * Demonstrate the 12 Reiki Hand Positions * Demonstrate Traditional Reiki Hand Positions * Describe what Reiju is and demonstrate how to receive Reiju * Identify the three ways to raise your Reiki Energy Level * Differentiate the difference between Shudan Reiki and Mawashi Reiki.
Contact: Lilia V. Marquez. Komyo Reiki Kai New York is Featured on the list of 101 Best Sites for Nurses 2012.
Tuesday, August 20th – Friday, August 23rd
Creativity Workshop
Shelley Berc & Alejandro Fogel
10:30am – 1:30pm
The Creativity Workshop is an intensive 4 day class that teaches individuals in all disciplines ways to develop their unique creativity and use it in their lives and work.
The Creativity Workshop achieves this through a specially designed series of techniques in creative writing, memoir, free-form drawing, collage, and storytelling.
The Workshop helps its participants tap into their muses, discover and use images from the unconscious, get over creative blocks and the fear of failure, engage the power of curiosity, use memories to spark the imagination, and develop a daily practice to accomplish these goals.
Pre-registration required. For more information and registration go to:
Tuesday, August 20th
Magical, Mystical Full Moon Event – A Time of Change
With Jodi Serota & The Hierarchies of Light
7:00pm – 9:45pm
Join us on this special evening as the Influence of this Full Moon in Aquarius moving into the essence of creative, spiritual Pisces, ushers in futuristic thinking with unconventional far-reaching visions. Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius, brings in lightning bolts of instantaneous change for a more direct connection with the universe.
Through this heightened resonance we will be directed to take dynamic action for movement forward. At this time, the Light/Love of the Universe intentionally pulls the rug out from under us for uprooting or being re-positioned for new perspectives, creating instant, positive shifts.
Come experience high frequency vibrational downloads through Sound Resonance Infusions from the Music of The Spheres, Multidimensional Light Languages from Beyond, & High Channeled Guidance for the group present, with the energetic influence of the Full Moon in Aquarius. Enjoy alchemical shifts, be illuminated for tangible manifestation and move forward with broader, limitless vision.
$25 in advance. Register via PayPal or call META Center at 212-736-0999 Ext. 1. (MC, VISA, Discover accepted – all non-refundable). $33 cash only at the door.
Wednesday, August 21st
Book Presentation & Psychic Games Workshop
“Gioìa* and the Children of the New Era” *In Italian “Joy”
With Italian author Alessandra Gioia Morri
6:30pm – 9.30pm
Alessandra will be happy to share her awareness on how to lead the “new” children to happiness.
Alessandra is an Italian green mum, an intuitive teacher and an independent researcher in the field of Spiritual Awareness.
Alessandra realized it’s possible to guide children in a different way, allowing them to keep alive their true essence, in harmony with the simple rhythms of nature.
She is going to present her first edition of the book “Gioìa and the Children of the New Era” and then share her experience in guiding children and parents through a workshop which will help to develop their inner talents as an Unity of body, mind and spirit.
ALL FEES CASH ONLY AT THE DOOR: Book presentation: $5.00 adults & children over 10 years old (children under 10 are free). Workshop: 1 Adult $25. 1 Adult + 1 Child $35. 1 Adult + 2 Children $40. 2 Adults + 2 Children $50. Email to register:
Wednesday, August 21st
Crystal Power!
Bobby Aduna
6:30pm – 9:30pm
Please join Energy Healer Bobby Aduna for “Healing with Crystals”. Bobby will discuss the powerful and long lasting benefits of crystals, gems and stone on people and pets.
In this simple and easy to understand instruction, you will discover how to harness this tremendous healing power and unlock your own healing potential.
Adult and children, beginner -advanced healers welcome! Combination gem and flower essences available for purchase.
Space is limited. Admission is $20 per person at the door. RSVP @ For more information, please visit
Wednesday, August 21st
Seance In The City
Jesse Bravo
7:00pm – 9:00pm
Come to our purely positive séance where we encourage mystics, psychics, mediums and all people to enhance their spiritual awareness in a safe and empowering environment. All of our séance conductors are highly trained and renowned mediums.
Whether you are looking to connect with a loved one who has recently passed or to receive messages from spirit, our group offers a warm and friendly environment to all who are interested. Before each séance we begin our group with a 15 minute lesson on psychic development, covering topics from psychic impressions to spirit communication.
We then begin our séance with a nondenominational prayer of protection and lead a guided visual mediation. After the meditation each person who attends will receive a message from one of our highly trained séance conductors. All participants are guaranteed to receive a message.
The purpose of our séance is to communicate directly with spirit and to form an open and inviting spiritual community in New York City. Our meeting times are every other Wednesday Night at 7:00pm. For legal purposes it is understood that our group and the messages given at our séances are for entertainment purposes only.
Fee is $20. Register via or call 917-733-3107. Please be timely, because we do not open our doors once we begin our meditation (for obvious reasons).
Thursday, August 22nd
Psychic Circle for Singles
Psychic Medium Milou
6:30pm – 8:30pm
Are you curious whether you will meet someone special, if he/she is the one, or where the relationship is going? You are invited to bring pen and paper, and let Milou tell you what he sees. He will give you full names or initials, descriptions, and approximate time frame.
Milou is a Clairvoyant, Medium, Medical, Business Intuitive, and Pet psychic. He has been sharing his gift with the public for over fifteen years. He embraces clients from all walks of life while also sharing his gift with heads of major organizations.
Price $25 at the door. For reservations contact Elizabeth Mills at (201) 264 4651 or via email Seats are limited.
Friday, August 23rd
Holistic Evening with
6:30pm – 8:30pm
Come enjoy a massage , some organic chocolates , meditation , organic coffee, healthy shakes, Reiki treatments and lots of fun spiritual company at this event.
Price – $20.00 Register here.
Friday, August 23rd
Learn How to Channel Angels & Receive a Group Sound Healing & Activation Session
Chernise Spruell, Angelic Channel
7:00pm – 9:00pm
Many people are awakening to find that their divine abilities are expanding and there are others with a clear idea of what abilities they would like to enhance. If you have a strong desire to connect with angels it is most likely because there are angels that have been communicating with you and want to work through you.
Angels are unconditionally loving, amazingly powerful and are always around us. They want us to remember who we truly are and to live from that place as much as possible. One way these amazing beings help us do that is by enhancing our connection to source.
When we open to channel angelic energy and guidance, we are being bathed in that high vibration energy while at the same time being of high service to life. It is a win-win situation in the purest sense. It has been my desire to be of service and working with angels has been nothing but a gift to me and those that I have worked with. It is an honor for me to offer this class to you and I look forward to what the angels have in store for you!
In this class you will receive: Practices for opening to channel angels * Ways to ensure that you only connect with angels and the highest beings of light * A group channeled sound healing and activation session that will open your channels to connect * Channeled guidance from the Archangel that works with enhancing clear, divine, connection * Tips for harmoniously handling the increasing vibration of energy you´ll receive along this path.
NOTE: Please bring a cleansed Quartz crystal to this event (You will take it home charged with angelic energy.)
$30/person. Please RSVP to 917.721.5788 or Seating is limited to 10 people so please RSVP early.
Monday, August 26th
Free Workshop – Social Media & Linkedin For Your Business
6:30pm – 8:00pm
Join us for this very special workshop with Social Media strategist Naini Nakagawa founder of for a highly interactive workshop on useful social media tips. A special presentation on Linkedin and how to use it effectively for your business! Learn ways of connecting with clients in your industry through Linkedin and take your business to the next level. Ask questions and get your social media answers. Join us!
Tuesday, August 27th
Sound and Light Activation. Integration & Ascension: Divine Light Activation with Himalayan Bowls, Metatron and the Master Teachers
Suzy Meszoly
7:00pm – 9:00pm
Suzy has been playing the Himalayan Bowls for nearly 15 years in her energetic healing practice with private clients, where she combines sound healing with healing touch and channeled light. Bringing bowls back from her pilgrimages to Nepal, she has selected those which are handmade and which have been blessed by her Tibetan teachers.
The Himalayan bowls have the simple power of creating a unifying energetic field, allowing for the integration of human experience without judgment, without fear. While acting as a bridge for the Metatronic energy field, Suzy plays the Tibetans, creating an integration sound field while channeling the Divine Light.(Participants will be lying down for these activations, please bring blankets and cushions if you need them. Some will be provided there as well).
Please register as these events are full to capacity each time. $25 Pre-registration is required. $35 at the door. Please contact Suzy on 845-616-0860 or email or purchase your ticket using paypal on the website:
Wednesday, August 28th ~PRIVATE EVENT~
Breath Work & Meditation Workshop
With Dr. Richard Brown
7:00pm – 8:00pm
For more info, go to Serving Those Who Serve at
Wednesday, August 28th
* For Practitioners *NYC Practitioner Meet up: Targeting Pathogens to Address Chronic Pain
with Guest Speaker Marc Weill
7:00pm – 10:00pm
Marc will be discussing some of the work he is doing combining Energetix nosodes and innovative manual therapy (French Osteopathy) with amazing results with chronic pain and limited mobility.
“As healing arts practitioners, we work with people in pain every day. Perhaps they came in to address their pain, or perhaps it’s not something they even expect to be able to alleviate effectively. I have found a way to target pathogens and their toxins using Energetix products that is simple to learn and easy for your patients to apply.” Marc Weill
For more information:
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